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Montessori vs. Traditional Education: A Comprehensive Comparison When it comes to choosing the right educational approach for your child, the decision between Montessori and traditional education often arises. Both methods offer distinct philosophies and teaching styles, but they cater to different learning needs and developmental goals. Understanding the core differences between these two approaches can […]

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The Benefits of Montessori Education: A Path to Lifelong Learning Given the fact that Montessori education was discovered by the great Italian Physician Dr. Maria Montessori in the early Twentieth Century and it still prevails in many nation’s schools, one …

Why Multi-Age Classrooms Benefit Your Child in Montessori Schools ? This approach groups children of different ages together in the same classroom, which may raise questions for parents unfamiliar with the model. In this blog, we’ll address some common questions …

The Prepared Environment of a Montessori Classroom When it comes time to send your young child to school, there are a lot of things to consider. You want to find a setting that has reliable and capable adults, a welcoming …

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