A curriculum that sparks your child's natural curiosity to learn and explore


Our toddler classroom at Montessori Pre-School for Toddlers at Celina was designed to allow our youngest learners to safely explore their world with independence. Our expert guides monitor interactions and model important social skills like sharing, taking turns, and being polite. From using real cups and silverware at mealtime, to the child-sized sinks you’ll find in each room, every item was made to perfectly suit your toddler. Each child navigates the materials at his or her own pace, with our guides introducing new activities and learning opportunities when the child is interested and ready.


Hands - on learning material with professional guidance


At Montessori Pre-School for Toddlers at Celina, toddlers learn foundational skills by engaging in hands-on experiences with authentic, high-quality Montessori materials. With our expert guides providing individualized lessons, your child will move towards independence in all areas of our classroom: Language Development, Practical Life, and Refinement of Movement.

Language Development

As your child’s ability to communicate develops throughout their toddler years, thoughtful and deliberate language exposure will ensure adequate vocabulary acquisition and boost communication skills. At Green Meadows Montessori, our guides will enhance your child’s language development with books, stories, songs, and rich vocabulary.

Practical Life

Toddlers will become increasingly independent as they work through the Montessori practical life activities including  setting a table, cleaning a spill, pouring water, and arranging flowers. These experiential learning activities, in addition to learning important care of self skills, will help your child develop independence in learning both inside and outside of the classroom. Our practical life area is built for the toddler–with tables, chairs, and sinks that are low to the ground, and real life materials created to fit easily into your child’s hands.

Refinement of Movement

Our toddler classroom is built to allow for essential movement and both fine motor and gross motor skill development. Each and every element of our toddler classroom has been selected to support individualized learning, movement, and collaborative activities.From promoting safe, physical activity, to providing engaging and collaborative learning activities, children in the toddler room will engage in movement exercises that nurture their inherent desire to move and play. We have access to nature trails, a community garden, and outdoor experiences that toddlers will use to explore and learn.

A prepared environment that promotes independence

Young children learn from active exploration. Our toddler environment at Montessori pre-school for toddlers at Celina is designed to provide support and freedom to explore both inside and outside of the classroom. Toddlers are excited to use the materials that have been carefully chosen just for them–real pitchers and cups to practice pouring, real silverware, plates, and glasses to set the table with, and brightly colored dressing frames to practice buttoning, zipping, and tying. Each toddler room has access to the outdoors, with our huge windows filling the rooms with natural light and elements of nature. Toddlers feel ownership over their space and learn responsibility and pride when helping to keep our environment tidy and clean. From sweeping up spills with child-sized brooms to wiping down windows, our toddlers independently and enthusiastically learn how to become helpful and positive members of our community.

Our Approach

Our Program is designed to nurture natural curiosity and promote independence.

Toddlers begin to learn care of self and personal hygiene strategies including toilet awareness, washing hands, and cleaning up spills. They will learn how to care for their environment and themselves by engaging in authentic tasks.

Toddlers will become increasingly independent within the classroom as they learn to explore the world around them, interact with peers, and begin to form friendships.

The use of real world materials within our classroom entices the child to engage with activities, and promotes a sense of pride and ownership in responsibility. An environment where learning becomes natural through interaction between younger and older children.


Toddlers begin to learn care of self and personal hygiene strategies including toilet awareness, washing hands, and cleaning up spills. They will learn how to care for their environment and themselves by engaging in authentic tasks.


Toddlers will become increasingly independent within the classroom as they learn to explore the world around them, interact with peers, and begin to form friendships.

Hands-on Learning

The use of real world materials within our classroom entices the child to engage with activities, and promotes a sense of pride and ownership in responsibility.

Your toddler will learn…

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